Rabobank sluit zich aan bij blockchain startup facilitator Nexuslab

Startupprogramma Nexuslab en Rabobank slaan de handen ineen. Het partnership gaat early stage startups in blockchain helpen
De Nederlandse bank voegt experts toe aan de club van mentors van Nexuslab, een Scandinavische startupfacilitator in blockchain. Nexuslab is opgezet door Startupbootcamp. 
De eerste ronde van het programma, waarin experts van Nexuslab en bankiers van Rabobank verschillende blockchain-startups ontmoeten, is het afgelopen weekend al van start gegaan in Amsterdam. De ontmoetingen zullen ook plaats hebben in Londen, Berlijn en Zurich.  
"With its novel approach to fostering startups in a virtual setting, Nexuslab has introduced an innovative way of enabling blockchain innovation," laat Harrie Vollaard (op de foto links), Rabobank Head of Innovation, weten in het persbericht.
Vollaard: "Rabobank has been experimenting with blockchain technology for a while, and by partnering with Nexuslab we can further deepen our own expertise in this field. This collaboration allows us to work directly with promising international early-stage ventures and help build up the European blockchain ecosystem.“
Daniel Grassinger, managing director bij Nexuslab and mede-oprichter van Nexussquared, zegt blij te zijn met Rabobank als partner. “We’re excited to work with Rabobank on this first round of Nexuslab. The engagement of a leading international industry player demonstrates Switzerland’s ability to play a central role in the development of the European blockchain ecosystem. Together with Rabobank, Startupbootcamp and our infrastructure and IT-partner SwissQ we have created an unparalleled offering for aspiring European blockchain startups to turn their ideas and visions into viable businesses."
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