Pitch Best Young PE 2020: Hanneke Modderman, Bolster Investment Partners

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What are the specialties of this talent?
Hanneke is exceptionally talented in many different aspects of her work, but specialties standing out the most are project management and impact at business owners. When Hanneke is in the lead of a project, nothing is left to chance and she makes sure everybody is motivated to reach the goal. Because of her no-nonsense, open and direct way of communicating, she has a lot of impact in meetings and is able to create a moment of self-reflection for the counterpart.
How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
Next to an enormous drive and working ethos, she really distinguish because of her communication to all team members, from juniors to partners. Everybody is involved, everybody gets to know what he or she needs to know and everybody will get a reminder if things need a push. The seniors she is working with can fully trust on her capabilities and foremost her ability to sound with the seniors if they need to be sounded. Her way of communicating is on a level that you get motivated, can’t disagree and you’ll never get mad.
What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Her impact is immense. On a social level she really pushes the boundaries. Able to mobilise all team members for the next social event, being one of the first and one of the last at the party. Organising the team weekends herself with all creativity you can imagine. Her impact because of her work ethics and quality is huge and the standard for the team. Always striving for perfection with focus on getting forward as a team. The more junior team members really see her as an example of how work should be done.
What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
Besides her impact within the organisation, her impact outside Bolster is also massive. Her contribution to network organisations like Level20 and ACG Chapter Holland is noted by every member of the organisation. Always there to help and to get things done. Connecting people with each other and making sure it is relevant for all parties involved. Because of her impact and involvement, always everybody seems to know Hanneke and Hanneke seems to know everybody.
To what extent does the talent makes the difference to clients?
Her involvement in a project or as an investment manager at one of our investments is always beneficial for all parties. Because of her in-depth knowledge of the business or the specific project and taking into account the context and the individual stakes, she really can make the difference in meetings with clients / investors / business owners / management teams, etcetera. People really listen to her opinion and appreciate her leadership if she is the chairman of the meeting. No matter how though the beginning of a meeting is, she is able to crack the ice.
Why does the talent deserves this nomination?
Because she is an outstanding person. Developing very rapidly in all aspects of our business, without losing herself. Her distinguished capabilities as mentioned before do count. As one of the unfortunately fewer women in our field of work, she is a real example for other women for how successful you can be in private equity. Next to having a family and child at home, she is capable of making the difference within our team and outside our organisation.