Pitch Best Young M&A Advisor 2020: Wendy van Luit, PwC

De genomineerden maken dit jaar kans op de M&A Award voor Best Young M&A Advisor 2020. Deze pitch is ingezonden door Jochem Moerkerken voor Wendy van Luit van PwC.

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What are the specialties of this talent?
Wendy represents next generation leadership, combining a unique can-do attitude,with a knack for reading people. Wendy is always ready to take on new opportunities, deliver results and in that, bring her teams to the next level. With Wendy, professional and personal objectives become aligned: she brings teams to higher levels of performance and higher levels of motivation in parallel. She exemplifies care for her teams, her clients and her environment.

How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
Wendy takes an exceptional amount of time to coach and develop team members and manage the broader stakeholder field involved in a diligence. Wendy is always on the phone or in team or one-on-one settings, you rarely see her sitting and working alone. Wendy is able to do this by being thoroughly prepared for every deal. She uses prep-time to develop a view on the assets, develop the storyline and carve out the agenda. She makes sure she is aligned with clients and senior management before putting teams 'on track' and continuously interacts with stakeholders throughout the process. For Wendy, working with teams is helping develop teams. Her upward feedback is typically raving, with her coaching abilities standing out. Teams show high levels of engagement and enthusiasm, even when the going gets tough. People like to work with and learn from Wendy.

What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Wendy has a major impact on the project teams she actively coaches. Outside that, Wendy has become a role model for our new recruits. She helped set up and internationalise our international traineeship program, spending a lot of time as a tutor of tutors for the European program.

What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
Wendy is a role model. She has developed herself into a high performing person in the broader PwC organisation, whilst remaining a true version of herself. She has become one of the faces of our traineeship program on a European level.

To what extent does the talent makes the difference to clients?
Wendy makes a difference in the way she interacts with clients. Despite her relatively young age, she acts not only as a consultant, but often as a true advisor, being able to really understand each individual's position and helping them develop and grow. She talks easily to owners of companies going for a primary, to corporate finance advisors who want to discuss a deal and to investors, who want to deep-test every assumption in a deal. Her interaction is genuine and open, making her a sought after person for people to talk to on a deal – often in a one-on-one setting.

Why does the talent deserves this nomination?
Wendy is one of the young leaders in the Dutch PwC Deals Strategy team, with strong connections to the broader Deals organization and PwC as a whole. She exemplifies role model behavior, with her very strong can-do mentality and true passion for the right answer, at the same time very aware of the development needs and personal situation of her team members and clients alike. Wendy makes the diligence process seem and feel easy, always having time to ‘crack the case’ and spend time to coach her team. Wendy blends in well into any team setting. In large complex deals Wendy is able to take on the full complexity of a commercial diligence and convincingly bring conclusions to investors. In smaller settings Wendy has become the direct point of contact for entrepreneurs going for a primary, corporate finance houses who are building their views on the asset & market and investors, who like to test and discuss their equity story. Wendy has been trained and developed internationally, working amongst others out of our London and Singapore offices, where feedback has been raving.

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