Pitch Best Young M&A Advisor 2020: Marlon Brand, IMPROVED Corporate Finance

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What are the specialties of this talent?
Marlon has this unique quality to stay in control however high the level of stress. He is extremely well organized. He gives his clients the guarantee that what has been promised will be delivered and most often much more. With only 27 years of age, Marlon can deal with top management of every client without being insecure about his role as advisor. He is a great team player. Ambitious but mostly for the team and with a very professional working attitude. The most rewarding endorsements come from his clients during a process and even unasked. This shows how much his clients like his performance as a professional and partner in the project.
How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
With his 27 years young, he performs and is accepted like he has 10 years more experience than he actually has. Great communication skills. A lot of humour. a no-nonsense approach. Never complaining. Not afraid of encountering and managing situations that are completely
What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Marlon is a front runner in the way he manages his projects and the way he deals with stressful situations. He is an example of how the team play needs to be executed. With his background and his way of building the team spirit, he is already end-responsible for hiring new talents; When Marlon believes a new hire has the right mix of talent, approach, mentality and eagerness and ambition, we all know for sure, we found the right person to strengthen the growing team.
What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
He selects new talents, he teaches them how to be an IMPROVED advisor, he takes full responsibility for his own projects and by that he shows how his profession should develop. He creates the right atmosphere for clients, shows how to work efficiently and with the right team efforts. He manages the various Financial Student Associations in how to design effective recruitment events. He co-writes White Papers on Marketplaces.
To what extent does the talent makes the difference to clients?
With only 27 years of age, Marlon doesn't need any senior coaching from internally nor from his clients. The impact he has on clients can best be described by the references his clients spontaneously give and by the high NPS he gets from the post-deal evaluations. Clients get the maximum level of comfort that the required accomplishments will be realised and more. With Marlon on the team, clients become more secure, relaxed and confident
Why does the talent deserves this nomination?
Marlon is exceptional. He is developing at such a high pace, with such dedication while remaining humble. Growing as an individual and at the same time being recognized as one of the leading team players and setting the standard internally and externally on how deal-making needs to be managed is for someone, not even 28 years of age a pure celebration of TALENT. Every team should have one Marlon. When we started IMPROVED Corporate Finance we had the dream of building a team with personalities like Marlon. Now we have the real one actually working with us. Dreams come true.