Pitch Best Young M&A Advisor 2020: Hans van den Heuvel, KPMG

De genomineerden maken dit jaar kans op de M&A Award voor Best Young M&A Advisor 2020. Deze pitch is ingezonden door Thijs Douque voor Hans van den Heuvel van KPMG.

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What are the specialties of this talent?
Hans is an Associate Director within KPMG Transaction Services and has a strong focus on Private Equity. Hans, as full time deal specialist with cross border experience, supports clients providing a wide range of services on both buy- and sell-side transactions (e.g. Financial Due Diligence, Vendor Due Diligence (VDD) or Vendor Assistance (VA)).

How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
Hans started at KPMG with a combined audit and advisory traineeship and simultaneously finalised his postmaster accountancy degree. Hans embarked KPMG Transaction Services in October 2015 and established in a short time an impressive track record of deals. Hans' rich experience comprises transactions within wholesale, retail, manufacturing, TMT, IT and energy for a wide range of national and international private equity and corporate clients. Hans was on secondment to the financial due diligence practice of KPMG Los Angeles where he was involved in various TMT deals and returned in March of this year to the KPMG NL Transaction Services team. Hans is our youngest Associate Director which indicates the high performer he is.

What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Hans is positioned as a role model within KPMG Transaction Services / Deals. Hans is able to keep a good work/life balance and perform at a very high pace. Hans is a true team player and invests time in his team by providing relevant training on the job.

What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
Hans is very social and always game on for some fun and laughter. This has a positive effect on his surroundings. On another note Hans shares his professional opinion regularly via Social Media or by way of writing/publishing articles.

To what extent does the talent makes the difference to clients?
Hans has a hands-on approach while working with management and really can pinpoint the business strengths and proactively address potential issues strengthening the sell-side position. When operating on the buy side Hans will really focus on the key risk areas for the transaction, identifying the main valuation and other key issues truly helping clients in negotiations with the seller.

Why does the talent deserves this nomination?
As a true blue rising star Hans is a thoroughbred outperformer. Combining his skill as a true team player, his cross border experience and impressive deal record Hans is the Best Young Talent in the market. 

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