Pitch Best Small Cap 2019: Active Capital Company and management – Technobis Group

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Date deal closed
9 september 2019
Published value
Active Capital Company
Technobis Group
Involved firms and advisors sell side: (Financial, Legal, Transaction Services etc.)
JBR, Corporate Wise
Involved firms and advisors target: (Financial, Legal, Transaction Services etc.)
JBR, Corporate Wise
Involved firms and advisors buy side: (Financial, Legal, Transaction Services etc.)
Accuracy, Houthoff, Atlas
Brief description deal / Deal outline
Technobis Group is an industrial holding based in Alkmaar, the Netherlands and is active in the development and production of high-tech measurement equipment and components and is a market leader in integrated photonic sensing. Active Capital Company (ACC) invested in Technobis to scale-up the group and enable the accelerated rollout of its integrated photonics solutions The European Union and Dutch government have earmarked integrated photonics as one of the key enabling technologies and given the prominent role that Technobis plays in the integrated photonic ecosystem we are proud to nominate the investment of ACC in Technobis Group as Best Small Cap Deal M&A Awards 2019 Technobis develops and produces measurement equipment like crystallization systems, in order to very precisely measure the solubility properties for drug development by pharmaceutical companies and other life sciences customers. In addition, Technobis develops and manufactures turn-key medical equipment for leading European medical technology and industrial groups. Lastly, the company is the world-leader in integrated photonic sensing equipment, leveraging proprietary technology to provide sensing solutions to a range of industries such as Aerospace, Medical, Mobility and Energy markets worldwide. Integrated photonic sensing is a fast developing technology, substituting conventional sensing technologies with factor 10,000x in frequency & resolution (accuracy) and at least ten time less weight, with very low power usage. The European Union has classified the Photonics sector as one of the key enabling technologies and the Dutch government has included this in the HighTech Systems & Materials top-sector. Technobis is a prominent partner of PhotonDelta; a Dutch public-private partnership with the aim of strengthening the ecosystem of integrated photonics. www.photondelta.eu
Together with Pim Kat (founder and former CEO of Technobis) and management, Active Capital Company is proud to announce that Parties have come to an agreement whereby Active Capital Company acquires a majority stake in Technobis Group, while management further (re)-invests in the company. This is the first investment with ACC’s new fund. As part of the transaction Mr. Daan Koppen de Neve has recently been appointed CEO of Technobis Group, thereby allowing Pim Kat to fully focus on the technological developments as the new CTO of the group. Pim Kat comments: “Together with the team at Technobis we look forward to partnering with Active Capital Company and Daan Koppen de Neve and welcome their active support in realizing our strategic plan at an accelerated pace”. Mels Huige, Partner at Active Capital Company, comments: “We are impressed with Technobis Group’s unique technological know-how and proprietary technology developed in the course of the last decades”.
Technobis Group consists of three business units. Technobis System Supplier (TSS) is specialized in carrying out complete product development projects, going from an idea to a successful turn-key product, prototype or series product for medical, life-science and high-tech industries. Technobis Crystallization Systems (TCS) is a leading technology provider for solid-state research, process development and formulation. Integrated Photonic Sensing (IPS) is specialized in the research, development, engineering and production of Integrated Photonic Sensing modules and systems. The company develops and supplies fibre optic sensing systems and applications based on its proprietary integrated photonics technology. In addition IPS is a solution provider for PIC (Photonic Integrated Circuits) evaluation & packaging by supplying dedicated and mid-range volume packaging services. For further information about Technobis Group please visit www.technobis.com
Deal rationale
Active Capital Company (ACC) invests in Technobis to scale-up the group and enable the accelerated rollout of its integrated photonics solutions.
What is the impact of this deal for the company?
The transaction allows Technobis to scale-up the group and enable the accelerated rollout of its integrated photonics solutions. We are investing in the worlds first high volume automated packaging facility for integrated photonic solutions.
What is the impact of this deal for the direct stakeholders?
Founder of Technobis, Pim Kat, will become full time CTO allowing him to fully focus on technological developments. Daan Koppen has been appointed as new CEO to lead the roll-out of integrated photonic solutions.
What is the impact of this deal on the society?
Integrated photonics is a key enabling technology that provides unparalleled technological solutions to help solve scientific, economical and societal challenges. In line with these developments, Technobis is accelerating the commercialization of next generation, PIC-activated (Photonic Integrated Circuits) sensing systems and applications. In parallel, Technobis is building the world’s first high volume PIC back-end foundry packaging facility. The packaging facility provides Technobis with reliable and high volume PIC production capabilities for the production of sensing systems and applications as well as providing packaging services to the wider integrated photonic ecosystem. Integrated photonic chips work with light particles (photons) instead of electricity (electrons). This makes integrated photonics not only more accurate and faster but also more economical and reliable than conventional electronic chips. The technology has a broad range of useful applications including multi-parameter sensing: for example, deformations in aircraft wings, landing gear load sensing, blade monitoring and shape sensing for minimal invasive medical instruments. These applications are not only commercially interesting, but also contribute to solving societal challenges such as passenger safety and affordable healthcare.
Why does this deal deserve a nomination?
Technobis is at the forefront of technological innovation and through its proprietary integrated photonic technology supports the Netherlands and Europe to remain technological and innovative leaders.