Pitch Best Young M&A Lawyer 2023: Lara Haanraadts, JB Law

Name: Lara Haanraadts
Company: JB Law
Job Description: M&A lawyer, specialised in corproate law with a focus on mergers & acquisitions, management buy-outs, PE and VC transactions.
Age: 32
What are the specialties of this talent?
Lara is able to take the lead in every case: she gets the deal done. She acts very confident and autonomous and is a strong while charming negiotiater. She is very dedicated to both her clients and her team members. As we would say in the Netherlands: she is an M&A lawyer “in heart and kidneys”.
How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
She is creative in finding solutions for challenging matters, is very pragmatic while being exceptionally sharp in her legal advice. She is able to acquire new clients and build strong relationships with existing clients. She delivers more than you expect. Above all, she is really fun to work with. Lara succesfully and cum laude completed the Grotius Corporate course.
What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Lara is a really energetic spirit. After Covid, she has returned to the office every day of the week and it is fun to have around. Lara is in charge of JB Law’s educational program and does this with flair: she introduced a number of inspirational speakers and organised an off-site financial course for the entire firm. Lara also organises our annual skiing trip.
What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
Lara is a board member of the Pro Bono Club. The Pro Bono Club is a new platform that seamlessly connects social organisations with enthusiastic lawyers and other service providers from the legal world. Through the Pro Bono Club, these service providers use their knowledge and experience to support social organisations with legal issues. As the name already gives away, they do this pro bono.
To what extent does the talent makes the difference to clients?
Lara gets the deal done. She is very knowledgeable, charismatic and is a strong negotiator. In short: she is a fixer.
Why does the talent deserves this nomination?
Since Lara joined JB Law, she really has made a difference for both our firm and our clients. She is a very valued and loyal member of our team, and therefore we are very happy to nominate her as Best Young M&A Lawyer 2023.
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