Nick de Man

Nick de Man
Company: Marktlink
Job Description: Manager
Age: 29
What are the specialties of this talent?
Nick de Man excels in problem-solving and is highly effective at reducing complex situations, structuring these to the core, and explaining them to all stakeholders. Within a deal, Nick always strives for the best result, without concessions, but always in good harmony between parties.
How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
Nick grew up in a family business, and after his father passed away, Nick independently guided the sale of his parents’ business when he was still a student. We noticed that Nick therefore knows the emotions involved in such a process and was able to master our profession exceptionally quickly. Nick has built a large network in the M&A and facilitated dozens of transactions (last quarter he closed 3 deals in 1 week!).
What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Nick is a strong contributor to the Marktlink team, within the Amsterdam office but also for the whole Marktlink Group. Nick is the torchbearer for knowledge transfer and is always available for his team and other colleagues who have questions or need a listening ear. Furthermore, besides being a dealmaker, Nick is highly involved as an advisor in the development of Marktlink’s IT systems.
What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
Outside the organization, Nick is a member of the education advisory board at the HvA (Hogeschool van Amsterdam), he mentors students and transfers knowledge and awareness of working in the M&A field. Furthermore, Nick also shares knowledge and insights during workshops with entrepreneurs (e.g. National Acquisition Day).
To what extent does the talent makes the difference to clients?
Due to his ability to connect with clients Nick’s true added value is building long-term relationships which enables him to develop a working environment in which he manages and closes multiple deals for a client over several years. Furthermore, Nick provides excellent guidance to his clients through what is often a once-in-a-lifetime event for them, ensuring they feel secure, and everything proceeds smoothly. This not only reduces the anxiety during the process but also leads to them looking back on a highly enjoyable and special process afterward.
Why does the talent deserves this nomination?
Nick de Man deserves the nomination for Best Young Talent because at a very young age, he successfully led his first transaction, but more importantly, he rapidly mastered our profession and achieved a remarkable amount within the M&A industry. Nick only started at Marktlink four years ago and quickly rose to the position he has held since early 2023, that of a dealmaker and manager. Few can claim such rapid development within our field.
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