Luuk van Deutekom

Company: 9Corporate B.V.
Job Description: Senior associate
Age: 29
Years of working experience in M&A: 6
Luuk holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Law from Tilburg University, where he graduated cum laude in 2019. He also earned a Bachelor’s degree in Dutch Law from the same university (2013-2016). Luuk has over five years of experience as a lawyer. He spent 4 years and 9 months at HVG Law LLP, specializing in corporate law, before joining 9Corporate in December 2023 as a Corporate Lawyer.
What are the specialties of this talent?
Luuk works in Corporate M&A with a focus on private M&A transactions. Please find below a selection of recent transactions he has worked on:
- advised shareholders of Delphy with the sale of a majority stake to Royal Peterson and Control Union (RPCU)
- advised Fortino Capital and the founders of Medicore on the sale to Extens and ING Corporate Investments
- advised NMi Certin on the acquisition of Minerva Metrology and Calibration
- advised Gustoso Gruppe on the acquisition of ’t Zusje
- advised Fortino Capital on the acquisition of BlueRock TMS
- advised Livit on the acquisition of Schonagen Orthopedische Schoentechniek
- advised the shareholders of Dubbelsteyn BMW & MINI on the sale to Hedin Mobility Group
- advised NMi Certin on the acquisition of TrustCB
How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
“Luuk is an excellent lawyer, he understands the clients needs and he takes good care of the younger associates he’s working with. It’s a pleasure to work with Luuk, he’s a critical thinker and oversees the entire transaction. He’s pro-active, works hard and knows how to get the deal done. Moreover he has a no-nonsense mentality and is very approachable.” – Jeanine Evertse (Partner 9Corporate)
“Luuk is at a point in his career that he does not need that much supervision of the partners anymore. It’s great to see how he’s able to manage more large and/or complex transactions. Our clients trust him and get back to him for new work. We genuinely believe that Luuk is an extraordinary lawyer. Besides that, he’s sympathetic, positive and a caring colleague.”- Jan-Paul van der Hoek (Partner 9Corporate)
What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Luuk is a true teamplayer, he would never put his needs before the needs of others. He feels responsible for his peers, guides them through transactions, takes time to discuss their work and answer their questions. He would never let down his team members down. Luuk is an excellent communicator, he never judges, thinks before he speaks and is always calm. He’s genuinly interested in his colleagues, also on a personal level. He always helps out with organising social events (whether in or ourside our organisation). With these social skills (besides his excellent legal skills), as our ‘most senior’ associate Luuk sets the example within our organisation.
What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
Luuk is an active member of AIJA. Through this membership and the various (international) events organised by AIJA he meets numerous other talented lawyers, thereby expanding his professional network. Next year, Luuk will for a couple of months be seconded to a law firm in Stockholm, Sweden. This will allow him to even further grow both personally and professionally.
To what extent does the talent makes the difference to clients?
Luuk is versatile and able to oversee and independently manage all sorts of (complex) transactions, whether buy- or sell-side, strategic partnerships or otherwise. Our clients appreciate that he is interested, highly driven, responsive and approachable. He remains calm at all times and negotiates on the basis of legal arguments. If needed, Luuk takes time to explain more complex legal matters to his clients. Our clients praise his in-depth knowledge of the law, pragmatic approach and clear and to the point advice. They are very keen to work with Luuk and would reach out to him directly in case they’d need help. Overall, it’s great to see how Luuk is building long lasting and trusted relationships with our clients.
Why does the talent deserves this nomination?
Luuk is an excellent young lawyer, a natural leader and always delivers above what’s expected. He’s driven to navigate our clients through transactions and get the best results. However, as a firm we believe that in order to be an excellent lawyer, you should also be a great person. Luuk is a great person. He’s genuinly nice, he’s fun and we are proud that he’s part of our team.
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