Young M&A Forum – Fall edition

26 november 2024 - 17:00
Lexence, Amsterdam
Toegankelijk voor
Young Membership
Free of charge for full young members and partners of the M&A Community

Join us at the Young M&A Forum – Fall edition

At the Young M&A Forum, young professionals gather to network and learn. Each edition focuses on a different central theme. The forum includes various informative sessions and concludes with a pleasant networking reception.

More detailed information about the programme will follow soon.

Not yet a member of the Young M&A Community? 
The Young M&A Community is the platform for professionals under 35 working in M&A, Corporate Finance, and Private Equity. Meetings for Young M&A members offer a fantastic opportunity to strengthen your network and gain knowledge. Therefore, members receive invitations to all M&A Events, the M&A Academy with Masterclasses, exclusive M&A training, and have free access to the unique M&A Database & League tables, as well as receiving the M&A Magazine. Become a member now and read about all the benefits of membership here.

Partnerships, sponsorships, or questions?
Contact Elisa Houweling at