Young M&A meets VEECEE: Strategy makes winners

01 juli 2020 - 20:00
Strand Zuid, Amsterdam
Kosteloos voor Young members & VEECEE

On Wednesday 1 July it is time for the Young M&A meets VEECEE event of the year at StrandZuid. The event is a initiative of the Young M&A and VEECEE Community. 


18.00 Welcome to the pop-up casino

18.30 Inspirational speaker

19.15 Playtime and drinks

22.00 End

Masterclass: Strategy makes winners

What can poker teach us about achieving success? 
Discover the inner player inside you and learn from one of the best Dutch poker players: Rolf 'Ace' Slotboom. Strategy makes winners win and the lack of it is what makes the losers lose. You will not only get better at playing poker, but also in business. Make sure you don't miss it!