M&A The City

Visit M&A Forum the City in London
The M&A Community is organising the 4th M&A Forum in London, on Wednesday May 11th from 17:30 onwards. The M&A Forum is organised to share knowledge about specific topics and to meet your industry peers. The event will consist of a one-hour panel discussion, starting at 18:00, followed by informal networking drinks with a broad group of members of the Benelux corporate finance community (end time: 21:00). The M&A Forum The City will be held at the ING office in London.
ING Wholesale Banking | 60 London Wall | London EC2M 5TQ
Meet the gathering storm: The impact of Brexit on European M&A
The latest polls suggests a small majority of British voters favor an exit from the EU. What would a Brexit mean for investments on intercontinental Europe? At the M&A Forum, which will be held at ING’s London office on May 11th, corporate executives, macro economists and investors will discuss how they respond to this potential historical event.
While economic trade and finance is becoming more and more globalized, the political sentiment in the Western world tend to be in favour of de-globalization. Beside the rise of Donald Trump and the Dutch latest referendum on a trade agreement with Ukraine, there is the possible exit of the UK. In June the Brits are going to decide whether they stay in the Union or not.
The economic implications of the political Brexit will be huge, according to high profile politicians and economists. Catherine Mann of the OECD predicts a Brexit would be bad for inward investment in the UK from the EU.
How significant is M&A-activity from UK to the EU at the moment? What does the market think will be the outcome of the British referendum? And if Brexit happens, what will it mean for The City of London as financial hub for European private equity and M&A?
Provisional speakers & panel
A hedge fund manager, private equity investor, corporate executive and a macro economist will give their perspective on Brexit. – Speech on effects of the Brexit by Mr. Simon Smits, Ambassador in Londen and Director General Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. – James Knightley, Senior Economist, ING Bank
5.45 PM Welcome
6.00 PM Master Class
7.00 PM M&A Cafe
9.00 PM End
Register for the M&A Forum The City
Participation is free of charge for members of the M&A Community and for UK-based dealmakers. It would be our honour to have you attend on this special occasion. We look forward to receiving confirmation of your attendance at this M&A Forum.
Members have access to the M&A Forums, M&A Master Classes, the Private Equity Summit, the Corporate Growth Summit and the M&A Cafés. Also members receive M&A Magazine 4x a year and they have access to the M&A Data base and M&A Leaque Tables. Become a member of the M&A Community.