M&A Strategy Forum – Balancing between Market and Power 

10 oktober 2024 - 15:00
De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
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Join us at the M&A Strategy Forum – Balancing between Market and Power 

For better or for worse. Government intervention in markets is a fact of life and designed to balance economic efficiency and innovation with protecting public interests such as fair competition, national security, fiscal transparency, and social concerns.

But where is the balance between the adverse effects of government intervention and the positive effects? Just when do markets desperately need the government to intervene and when is it better to let the market do its job?

During the M&A Strategy Forum, we will discuss the impact of government intervention on the markets in which M&A professionals operate using case studies and opposing statements.

We will update you on the opportunities and pitfalls and exchange opinions and insights on the sense and nonsense of government intervention.

Keynote speaker Jellie Banga – Board member InvestNL – discusses how governments support or facilitate certain M&A transactions and what conditions are involved.

Michael Schouten – Partner at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek – updates us on the legal context in which governments and markets meet.

A panel of top dealmakers like Maurits Duynstee – partner at Axeco – will debate issues such as government control, capital injections and incentives, regulation of PE and sector-specific interventions.

Of course, there will be plenty of opportunity for networking during the extensive networking drinks. Don’t miss this opportunity and register today for the M&A Strategy Forum hosted by De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek.

Secure your spot now for 10 October.