Pitch Best Young Private Equity Manager 2022: Sjoerd Aarts, Main Capital Partners

Sjoerd Aarts maakt dit jaar kans op de M&A Award voor Best Young Private Equity Manager 2022.

Company: Main Capital Partners 
Job Description: Senior Investment Manager 
Age: 31 

What are the specialties of this talent? 
Sjoerd is a hard working, dedicated and friendly colleague who is always in for a chat. He is a great multi tasker, intelligent and has a high resitance for stress. He has great knowledge of the healthcare and HR Software market.  

Sjoerd is an analytical worker with a commercial view who takes the lead in dealmaking process. 

How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers? 
Sjoerd is a structered worker with a clear view of what a company needs and what it can accomplish. Sjoerd works structured and is clear in communicating what he needs from his colleagues.  

Sjoerd takes full ownership of his responsibilites in Portfolio management. He takes the lead in new dealflow processes and the entire investment process. Sjoerd is responsible for most transactions at Main in 2021 and 2022. 

What impact does the talent have within the organization?  
He is a modest and kind person who is always ready to support and help his colleagues. Sjoerd helps with training of new colleagues and is always open to answer any questions. Also he is very involved in team building events and a real teamplayer. 

What impact does the talent have outside the organization?  
Sjoerd has an eye for dealsourcing and the potential of companies. He is active involved in dealsourcing and creating deals. He activley does dealsourcing and dealmaking. He is the main contactperson for new investment and has close contact with advisors and banks.  

He helps portfolio companies with their strategies (buy and build, internationalisation and the increase of autonomous growth. 

To what extent does the talent make the difference to clients?  
Sjoerd is dedicated to his portfolio companies as a member of the Supervisory Board (RvC) of Enovation, SDB, Textkernel, Zig, WoodWing, and Inergy and as Chairman of the Board for Paragin, Pro4all, and Avinty. He is deeply involved in (international) add-on stragies and organic growth strategies. 

Why does the talent deserve this nomination? 
Because Sjoerd deserves recognition of all the hard work he puts in. He makes a lot of effort for our company, his colleagues and his portfolio companies. 

Any references or recommendations from clients or (colleagues)? 
Pieter van Bodegraven, Charly Zwemstra and Wilko Scheurwater 

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