Pitch Best Young Private Equity Manager 2022: Bas Jasperse, NewPort Capital

Bas Jasperse maakt dit jaar kans op de M&A Award voor Best Young Private Equity Manager 2022.

Company: NewPort Capital 
Job Description: Associate 
Age: 28 

What are the specialties of this talent? 
Bas has a wide background in relevant business areas for Private Equity. Leveraging on knowledge and working experience in Corporate Finance as well as Valuations & Modelling and Transaction Services at a Big Four makes him a well rounded professional with a solid understanding of the broad M&A process. Combining this with his entrepreneurial spirit – having co founded a successful e-commerce business during his academic studies – makes Bas a strong talent for the Private Equity industry. 

How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers? 
Bas is very actively involved in deal sourcing and execution as well as portfolio management. Despite his relatively young age – still approaching his 30’s – he is considered by management teams as a mature and knowledgeable professional. Pro-actively supporting our portfolio companies across the country, Bas does not hesitate to jump in the car (easily averaging over 35 thousand kilometers per year) to provide hands-on assistance on various projects. This level of commitment and proactiveness for us differentiates Bas from most of his peers in his age category. 

What impact does the talent have within the organization?  
Bas joined our team as employee number 6 and since then we have more than doubled in staff at NewPort. Bas took the opportunity to take a leading role in the development and training of new analyst and trainees and ensuring a warm onboarding into our firm. Getting juniors acquainted with our proprietary financial models, deal structuring tools and other standard practices in a short time helped NewPort in the rapid expansion of our team, allowing us to provide the best possible support to our existing portfolio companies and new investments. 

What impact does the talent have outside the organization?  
Bas is an avid soccer and golf player and enjoys spending his free time on the respective fields and courses. He can luckily combine this also in his professional arena with the numerous sports and networking events organized by the M&A community, which he often attends. Bas furthermore is also captain of our own NewPort soccer team which annually helps organise the Zero Hunger Games. A fund raising tournament which aims to end hunger for the people in Mozambique. With the last edition of this tournament over EUR 60k was raised for this charity, something to be really proud of. 

To what extent does the talent make the difference to clients?  
Since joining NewPort a little over 2 years ago, Bas has been involved in the evaluation of dozens of new investment opportunities and is currently day to day active at 3 of our 16 portfolio companies. At these portfolio companies Bas has been instrumental in the execution of our buy & build strategies and just over the last twelve months helped to close 4 add-on acquisitions. In achieving this success Bas acted as deal captain and was the go to guy for all buy and sell side advisors, from financial, to tax, legal, pensions, ESG and sometimes even ACM regulatory experts. 

Why does the talent deserve this nomination? 
Being able to consistently perform at high level in our fast paced industry requires a lot of stamina and perseverance. Closing 4 add-on acquisitions in under 12 months means a lot of hard work and diligence and of course drafting and reviewing countless agreements, contracts and deeds. Bas has been able to do this whilst never losing sight of the interpersonal elements which are also key in such processes and which helped us to achieve a balanced outcome in negotiations with sellers. As such we believe Bas will have a bright future in what undoubtedly be a successful career in private equity. 

Any references or recommendations from clients or (colleagues)? 

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