Pitch Best Young M&A Advisor 2021: Tom Snijckers, Oaklins

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Company: Oaklins
Job Description: Associate Director
Age: 32
What are the specialties of this talent?
Throughout the last couple of years, Tom has proven himself as the specialist in M&A transactions in the renewable energy space– a sector that is currently more relevant than ever as the effects of climate change are becoming evident and fuel and gas prices are skyrocketing. His first of many transactions in this sector dates back to 2014 with the sale of the (now stock-listed) Alfen from TBI to Infestos. Having started at Oaklins in his early twenties, Tom now has an impressive track record of 10 years of M&A advisory experience and over 40 transactions under his belt. Tom has advised many privately and family-owned companies and understands the intricate dynamics of such complicated settings very well. He quickly earns the trust of his clients based on expertise, dedication, and result-driven approach.
How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers?
In addition to managing and coordinating a transaction from start to finish, Tom has solid knowledge about the legal and fiscal aspects of deals. At the same time, he sets the bar high when it comes to deal sourcing, having already built up quite a substantial and ever increasing network. Notable deals that Tom has worked on include the sales of Zelfstroom to Autobinck, Energie wonen to Essent, Energie Transitie Groep to Greenchoice, Rooftop Energy to NPM Capital, Zonnepanelen op het Dak to CEZ, KH Chemicals to Ravago and ArnoldSuhr to Active Capital Company.
What impact does the talent have within the organization?
Tom is approached by his colleagues from all over the world to provide input on topics in the renewable energy space. With his strong track record in the energy transition market, Tom is the go-to person for knowledge, advice, and collaboration in our sustainability projects. In terms of collaboration with colleagues, Tom gives his team a lot of freedom to learn and develop their own skills and lets them take the spotlight where they deserve it.
What impact does the talent have outside the organization?
Outside of the organization, Tom provides a meaningful impact to a large number of companies in the Netherlands that are working hard to put sustainability and renewable energy on the roadmap for the next few decades. As an experienced M&A professional in the renewable energy market, Tom is also regularly invited to speak at conferences such as the Solar Solutions, as speaker for podcasts and to give interviews for trade magazines on the topics such as M&A dynamics.
To what extent does the talent make the difference to clients?
Tom quickly earns the trust of his clients based on expertise, dedication and a result-driven approach. He invests a lot of time andeffort in building a relationship with his clients and is available to support them with issues day and night. He has a strong ‘the deal goes first’ mentality, stopping at nothing to realize the best deal for his clients. Clients have described him as “an extremely pleasant and professional person, who very quickly understood the situation and anticipated effectively. He knows how to switch between details and main issues at the right time during the process” and “a person with lots of experience in the sustainable energy sector and a great deal of knowledge about mergers and acquisitions”.
Why does the talent deserve this nomination?
Tom deserves this nomination because of his contribution to the ongoing sustainability revolution. With an increasing number of companies understanding the importance and need to ‘go green’, Tom is able to provide our clients the tools to make this transition happen. At the same time, Tom is an invaluable asset to our organization as he is motivated, committed and works hard. As Oaklins, we are therefore proud to put Tom forward as our nomination for the Young Talent award.