Pitch Best Young M&A Advisor 2021: Thomas Smal, IMPROVED Corporate Finance

De genomineerden maken dit jaar kans op de M&A Award voor Best Young M&A Advisor 2021.

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Company: IMPROVED Corporate Finance 
Job Description: Senior Analyst 
Age: 27 

What are the specialties of this talent? 
No one is better equipped to translate the equity story into the required documentation with such enormous attention for detail. The slide decks for IM or management Presentation or Teaser or any other form are adding huge value to the overall quality of the process he is running. He promoted financial modelling to a piece of art and craftsmanship But this is all the result of his even more outstanding personal USP's Thomas has unmatched endurance and perseverance. He is the best possible team player. He is relentless in pushing all of us at IMPROVED for delivering solutions that will create the highest client satisfaction possible. He closed the most complex transaction ever by selling a Dutch mobility company to a competitor from India. Matching the different cultures and solving problems never seen before. 
How does the talent distinguish itself from its peers? 
Thomas puts in the kind of effort that stimulates us all. His relentlessness is unique next to his overall attitude; never complaining, never over-asking, humble, nothing for himself but everything for the team. At a very young age, Thomas is taking a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders but always with the clients and the required results as a starting point. In many other persons, you see this kind of attitude and behavior at a later age. 
What impact does the talent have within the organization?  
Thomas is an example to all of us. The quality of work he delivers. his way of performing in small and larger teams, the positiveness he brings is contagious. his colleagues come to Thomas to get his input on the most difficult part of financial models. The quality of the documentation he delivers is the new standard. His never give up mentality is pushing all of us to newer and higher levels. 
What impact does the talent have outside the organization?  
Clients, partners, service providers, all know by now what is expected when Thomas is on our team. They know they must overdeliver their promise. they also know, Thomas is going to take their input seriously. The impact Thomas has is a stimulating one. New rights are expected since average quality is not allowed. 
To what extent does the talent make the difference to clients?  
Clients love what Thomas is bringing to the table. They see the relentlessness. They experience the time, effort, energy, Thomas is investing. The output quality is something clients have never seen before. In repeat engagements clients. 
Why does the talent deserve this nomination? 
Can you see someone only 27 years young having the same positive impact on all the various groups Thomas is dealing with? Can you present a better team player? 

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